Research in the Eye Clinic

In addition to treating patients and training young doctors, science is the third pillar of university medicine. We also conduct research in various areas of ophthalmology. We are mainly dependent on the active participation of patients and test subjects in clinical research, which is dedicated to improving the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. Therefore, you may be approached by one of our doctors or doctoral students during your stay with us. We would be glad if you would participate in one of our studies and thus contribute to the scientific advancement of ophthalmology.

In all areas of research, there are numerous cooperations within the clinic as well as on a national and international level.

The Section for Clinical and Experimental Sensory Physiology, headed by Prof. Dr. rer. nat. M. Hoffmann, is concerned with processing processes in visual perception and their changes in various diseases. These are investigated in particular with electrophysiological and nuclear spin tomographic methods. Further information on the research projects of the group can be found on their Homepage.

The Laboratory for Cell Biology and Ophthalmo-Pharmacology is located in a separate laboratory building and works there under the direction of Dr. med. L. Choritz on the following topics:

Current Projects

Clarification of the endothelin antagonism of prostaglandins and prostanoids

Drug modulation of wound healing after filtering glaucoma surgery

Before advanced medication and medical devices and products can be used in the general population to treat certain diseases, clinical trials must ensure that they are safe, effective and better than previous therapies. During such studies, initially smaller and later increasingly larger groups of patients receive the new therapeutics and the success of the treatment is compared with the best standard treatment to date. This is an important step in the continuous improvement of our treatment options, from which our patients should benefit directly.

The Eye Clinic is currently involved in several drug and medical device studies for various diseases. If you are being treated for one of these diseases, you may be asked by our doctors whether you would like to participate in such a clinical study. Of course, you can refuse this without any concerns and without giving reasons. However, we would be pleased if you decide to participate and help us to expand our treatment options for all patients.

You will find a selection of our current studies below. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact our study coordinator by e-mail.

Last Modification: 25.01.2024 - Contact Person:

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